Good Government

Councilmember James E. McDonald was among seventeen elected officials from three South Florida counties who participated in this year’s Good Government Initiative’s (GGI) Leaders of Excellence program at the University of Miami, founded by former Miami-Dade County Commissioner Katy Sorenson. Leaders of Excellence is the GGI’s cornerstone program designed to provide elected officials with skills

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A View from the Top

During the month of September, we honorably recognize Sept. 11 as a day of remembrance for those who lost their lives on that tragic day in 2001. We hold these memories dear to our heart as we bow our heads for a moment of silence and also remember the thousands of heroes and volunteers who

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A View from the Top

Thanksgiving was one of my favorite holidays when I was growing up in Ohio. My mother came from a large family, so I enjoyed when everyone got together. There were cousins to play with and stories to be told.  Before we dug into the delicious food that was spread on the table, each person would

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A View from the Top

Were you like me and didn’t complete all of the New Year’s resolutions you made for 2015?  This year, I decided my resolution would be to pay it forward by doing things for others. At least once a month, I will try to do an act of kindness to help someone.  You too can make

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