Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital is adapting its well known annual fundraiser for the pandemic era.
The ANF Group Tour de Broward has been helping underwrite programs, services, and facilities for kids and families at the children’s hospital for 11 years through its nonprofit foundation, raising $5.1 million over its history. This year, Tour de Broward will continue virtually. Anytime between Feb. 1-28, participants can complete a 50K or 100K bicycle ride, a 5K run, or 3K walk on their own and submit results online. Participants will receive an event medal and a T-shirt.
The 2020 Tour de Broward raised more than $700,000 to enhance pediatric healthcare at Joe DiMaggio Children’s, which saw more than 60,000 hospital outpatient visits, 7,000 pediatric surgeries, and 9,500 admissions and observation stays last year.
The community involvement shifts online as well, as participants are encouraged to celebrate their achievement and support for the cause with others by posting on their own Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Tag @tourdebroward, #TDB2021.
The cost to participate is $30. Visit to register. To learn more, call (954) 905-5633 or email . To learn about sponsorship opportunities, call (954) 265-7241.