Design of the Times

The new year is just around the corner, but it’s accompanied by an age-old style question for many South Florida women as high season shifts into gear. What do I wear? The December-to-March run of cocktail events, dinner dances, holiday parties and charity fundraisers produces heavy foot traffic in walk-in closets throughout the region as

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Artist Niki Lopez stirs creative conversations

Drawing saved Niki Lopez. When she was 11, her mother joined the Brooklyn-based United Nuwaubian Nation of Moors cult, becoming one of the secluded wives of sexual predator-leader Dwight D. York. Niki went with the preteens; her 2-year-old sister was holed up with the toddlers; her brother, just 6 months old, would never know the

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Niki Lopez (left) with fellow artist Nikki Saraiva, aka Detourbutterfly, part of the ?Feral Femininity? exhibit
Experimental media artist Rolando Chang Barrero puts history in context

Like an epic novel, the visual stories of Rolando Chang Barrero traverse time and back again. They require heroes ready to confront the toughest of challenges across the generations. In his last year at Southwest Miami Senior High School, in 1990, he created graphic T-shirts to raise awareness about heroin addiction, urban wear that would

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Rolando Chang Barrero's large installations of body bags honors young victims of mass shootings
ArtServe’s executive director Craig Johnson fills the picture

Craig Johnson might be new to Fort Lauderdale, but the executive director of ArtServe already is serving as a gracious host to the city’s cultural community. “ArtServe has had a remarkable history,” says Johnson, who joined the storied nonprofit this spring. “Now we’re building upon that legacy to reposition the organization as a creative laboratory.”

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Craig Johnson executive director of ArtServe
Art that Advocates: Sibel Kocabasi

Multimedia artist Sibel Kocabasi is sitting in the living room of her Lake Worth home and studio; over a gracious setting of hors d’oeuvres, Turkish coffee and rosé, she shares her commitment to human rights. Born and raised in Turkey, she has a deeper understanding of the Syrian refugee crisis. Turkey has about 3.6 million

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Plasticberg by Sibel Kocabasi
Darius Daughtry speaks truth to power

Think back to when you were 5: You might have been able to walk safely to school, unaccompanied by your parents; perhaps you were free to run around the neighborhood or play in the backyard until Mom called you home. Darius V. Daughtry also has memories from that time. One is seared into his mind.

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Darius Daughtry
The Color Wheel

Fort Lauderdale artist Anthony Cordeiro didn’t let the bullies at school take away his power. Although his teenage peers called him a “pansy,” the late-bloomer didn’t understand the reference. As he shed his naiveté, “I found that was a little funny,” he recalls. “I wanted to take back that derogatory term and reclaim it.” His

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Justin Comparetto has the right stuff

From South Florida to rural Oregon, households are adding new flavors to their Italian-inspired kitchen adventures—all because a young Pompano Beach entrepreneur refused to accept insults as truth at home in Minnesota. As Justin Comparetto tells it, the story of his multimillion-dollar business, Just Ryt Foods, begins right after high school, when he overheard comments

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Justin Comparetto
Space Invaders

Two of Fort Lauderdale’s most recognizable arts promoters—Andrew Martineau and business partner Evan Snow—have launched yet one more venture to take art to the streets through a new partnership with Las Olas Company. It’s an arts pop-up concept called Zero Empty Spaces. Las Olas Company CEO Mike Weymouth saw immediate value in Zero Empty Spaces

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Get Your Glam On

When Tammy Gail was recovering from a double mastectomy, she made a deal with the universe. “I’m not a religious person, so maybe I was drugged up,” she quips. “But I said, ‘If you get me through this so I can see my son graduate from high school, I’m going to do something really big

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Plant-based bites in South Florida

Doctors and nutritionists tell us that diet and exercise are critical in the fight against high blood pressure, which can lead to strokes and Alzheimer’s disease. To that end, some South Florida residents are eliminating meat and seafood altogether, turning vegan, or, at the far end of the spectrum, eating only raw, non-cooked food. The

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Quick Strike Capability

As a physical education teacher at Unity School in Delray Beach, Sharon Gerry (pictured) was a model of health and extreme endurance. She ran 60 miles a week on average, she didn’t smoke or drink, and she slept restfully every night. So, when the 55-year-old athlete woke up feeling “kind of odd,” she thought her

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