A Visit From Santa

Margate-Coconut Creek Fire Department Capt. Matt Whiteshield remembers hearing about a 7-year-old boy who was visiting his grandmother for Christmas a few years ago. He was upset because he wouldn’t be home for Christmas and thought Santa Claus wouldn’t be able to find him. But Whitefield made sure Santa paid him a special visit. “His

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Let Them Eat Cake

Inside her Coconut Creek home, Irmgard Estelrrich concocts elaborate cake creations: a Louis Vuitton bag, Mickey Mouse ears, a typewriter, even a Wonder Woman-themed cake. That one might be her favorite. “The Wonder Woman cake was awesome,” Estelrrich says. “When I delivered it, they had a special place for it. It was on a pedestal.

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The Show Goes On at Dance Theatre

Michelle Gerlick earned her degree in elementary education, but, ultimately, she decided to ply her trade in a different kind of classroom. The founder and director of Dance Theatre still teaches children, but she sees her career as “the best of both worlds.” “I get to teach kids what I love most in life,” Gerlick

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Zika: The Sequel

When a mosquito-borne virus started to spread in South America a few years ago, the United States didn’t pay attention. But then, last summer, Zika descended on Miami. According to the Florida Department of Health, 285 locally acquired infections of Zika occurred statewide in 2016, with many of those cases stemming from an outbreak in

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Calming Influence

Aside from nearly three years in the U.S. Air Force, Miguel Arbesu always has lived in Miami. He used to live in Pinecrest, attending Miami Palmetto Senior High School. He went to the University of Miami for a bit and then graduated from Florida International University, where he earned a bachelor’s degree in economics. After

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