After launching its Diaper Bank in 2011, the Junior League of Boca Raton (JLBR) has provided 5.2 million diapers to needy families in the area. The donations reach 3,000 children monthly through 24 nonprofit organizations.
The success of the endeavor will translate into the establishment of the Junior League of Boca Raton Diaper Bank as an independent nonprofit organization by the beginning of 2022. The organization distributes its donated diapers at the Boca Raton Innovation Center (BRiC), which provides space for storage.
“We are so grateful to BRiC for providing space so we can store diapers,” says Cristy Stewart-Harfmann, president of the Junior League of Boca Raton. “We store and then distribute these diapers, which take up a large amount of space and this donation enables us to provide them in the most effective way for families in the community.”
According to the organization, one in three families struggles to afford diapers, with monthly costs often over $100 and the items not eligible for federal assistance programs.
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