Linzi Martinez
Personal Trainer/Nutritional Therapist
Host/Executive Producer of the award-winning HHS Makeover TV Series
FB: Happy Healthy Stronger
IG: Linzimartinezofficial
Do you know that women in their 40’s and 50’s have the potential to be in the best shape of their lives?
They have an insane potential to get leanscular – both lean and muscular! Many women reach 40 and don’t feel sexy anymore, they start gaining weight, they lose their self-confidence, their energy levels lessen and have a general sense of unhappiness with themselves. You can feel beautiful every single day! The way we are supposed to feel! And look sexy, beautiful and lean again! Yes, you can! And it’s easier than you ever thought possible!
The most common question I get from women in their 40’s and 50’s is “what I used to do to lose weight and get toned is no longer working, why?” the answer is simple! …you are not the same! So … the things that used to work, no longer work now! You need to make changes for what works for your body as it is today! And there is a definite recipe for us, and it works every time! As our hormones decline, we lose our fat-burning machine – our muscles get less dense! So, we need to provide our muscles with building blocks, amino acids, and train to build (not bulk) our muscle and boom! We become fat-burning machines once again! Fall in love with you again – you are the most important person in the world! This is what I love to do, and I am very successful because I am one of you! I am 53! And I have learned what works! I have helped hundreds of women not only lose weight, get healthy, and learn to keep it off forever, but to surpass their goals and look better than they did in their 20’s and 30’s! Getting leanscular – lean and muscular! To find out how to work with me for my 30-day program, or my December academy …contact me at – you are worth it!
With so much love, Linzi